O filme dos Jonas, "Jonas Brothers The 3D Concert Experience",ficou em 25° lugar na lista dos melhores filmes de 2009.
1. Bastardos Inglorious
2. Hannah Montana The Movie3. Gomorrah
4. Sin Nombre
5. The Hangover
6. Public Enemies
7. The Girlfriend Experience
8. Up
9. Adventureland
10. Paranormal Activity
11. District 9
12. Sugar
13. More Than a Game
14. Captialism: A Love Story
15. State of Play
16. Notorious
17. I Love You, Man
18. Zombieland
19. Tyson
20. Taken
21. Food Inc
22. 500 Days of Summer
23. Bandslam
24. The Informant!
25. Jonas Brothers The 3D Concert Experience
25° ?! Ah, os JONAS tinham que estar entre os primeiros...mas valeu...
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